
Monday 5 March 2012

BAHAYA ! Runtuhnya Moral Anak Melayu Sekarang - Siapa Yang Perlu Di Persalahkan ?

Apa nak jadi dengan bangsa Melayu hari ini ? Isu keruntuhan akhlak dan moral semakin menjadi-jadi dan hampir semuanya melibatkan anak-anak berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam.MMI sendiri kadang-kadang bingung dengan apa yang berlaku hari ini.Apakah mereka sudah lupa bahawa Islam melarang mereka daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang boleh mendatangkan dosa ? Tahukah mereka apa itu dosa ?

Terbaru dan mengejutkan MMI sendiri adalah pendedahan oleh seorang anak Melayu dengan begitu berani sekali menceritakan satu kejadian yang menimpanya yang membuatkan beliau hilang pertimbangan.Beliau melahirkan perasaan marahnya terhadap tindakan anggota Polis yang kononnya menyalahkan gunakan kuasa tetapi dalam masa yang sama menceritakan serta mendedahkan apa yang menyebabkan beliau dan temannya ditahan.

MMI bawakan untuk anda semua artikel daripada TheNutGraph dan lihatlah apakah ianya sekadar menceritakan kesalahan anggota Polis atau ianya sebenarnya menceritakan sejauh mana kejahilan generasi Melayu sekarang khususnya anak-anak Melayu seperti Nabila Nasir.Dan apakah rasionalnya TheNutGraph menyiarkan artikel ini ?

“Is Chinese penis really that good?”

IN part two of stories about those who have encountered the religious police, freelance writer Nabila Nasir, 25, recounts the harassment and extortion she and a now ex-boyfriend experienced at the hands of moral guardians in mid-2007.

The KL-born and raised Nabila says that until today, she has no proof that the man who claimed to be a religious enforcer was really one at all. Eventually, though, Nabila and her then boyfriend were allowed to go free without any charges. In this exclusive phone interview with The Nut Graph on 26 May 2010, she gives a blow by blow account of what happened.

The Nut Graph: Tell us what you were doing before the authorities showed up.

Nabila Nasir: Back then I was dating a Chinese [Malaysian] guy, who was studying in Sydney and came back during his break. He came over to my house one weekday, in Subang, to watch a movie on DVD. After the movie, we went out to have ice cream in Taipan. We were dressed very casually – I didn’t even bring my handphone or IC with me. After ice cream, we drove around and stopped at a park. We kissed a bit, and after five minutes a police car pulled up behind us. This was around 7pm, I guess.
In the car were three men — two in police uniform and one plainclothes. All three were Malay [Malaysian]. The plainclothes man said he was from the jabatan agama. When we got out of the car and I asked for his ID, all three said, “You are in the wrong now, so it’s not your place to ask for his ID.”

What did you say to that?

I said, “I know my rights.” When I said that, they asked my ex-boyfriend to order me to go back into our car. I didn’t want to, but I eventually did. They ended up taking my ex-boyfriend’s IC. I could overhear them telling him, “This is khalwat. Your girlfriend could be charged, and you would also have to go to court and angkat sumpah. Do you want to go to court?” Then they asked him for RM300.

I shouted from inside the car, “No bloody way!” I told my ex-boyfriend, “If anyone is going to get charged for khalwat, it’s going to be me and not you, so don’t listen to them!”

I couldn’t call any of my lawyer friends because I didn’t bring my phone with me. So I demanded to use my ex-boyfriend’s phone to call my friends and tell them what was happening. But then I realised I had not memorised any of their numbers. I pretended to dial the phone anyway. I could sense the officers getting scared when they saw me doing this and they continued telling him, “You don’t want to go to court and face the hassle.”

I was really losing my temper, but my ex-boyfriend kept telling me not to lose it, because he didn’t want to get into more trouble. The three men then refused to give him back his IC and asked us to go to the police station. I was like, “For what?” But I went eventually with my ex-boyfriend.

Then my ex-boyfriend had to go to the bathroom and they started harassing me instead. They said, “Oh, your boyfriend is lucky to have a girlfriend with big breasts.” And then they said, “There’s no more shame in this world when Malay [Malaysian] girls can stoop to dating Chinese [Malaysian] men.” And then they asked me, “Is Chinese penis really that good?”
How did you respond to this?
I glared at the religious enforcer and said, “Yes, it’s delicious and I love it!” 
Press Here  for full article.

Amacam bro ? Panaskan.Tak tahulah macam mana lagi cara untuk memulihkan mereka yang jelas terpesong daripada norma-norma kehidupan seorang Melayu beragama Islam ni.Semoga mereka berubah satu hari nanti.Amin.


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