
Monday, 20 September 2021

Jangan Risau Wahai UMNO

Walaupun perjalanan hari ini terasa amat memeritkan percayalah kami masih ada sini.

Bagi mereka yang lain mungkin keperitan ini perlu segera dikesampingkan namun bagi MMI dan rakan2 diluar sana langkah perlu diteruskan.

Kami bukan hulubalang yang tangkasnya mampu merebahkan nyawa.

Kami juga bukan kalangan berdarjat yang kata-katanya perlu diangguk dan disempurnakan dengan adat.

Kami hanya sekumpulan orang biasa yang diajar supaya sedar dan faham bahawa kumpulan besar kami belum lagi sempurna.

Kerana itu kami tekad .. Suara dan jerit perih yang dulunya mengajar dan menyedarkan kami dengan secawan kopi panas akan terus kami pegang dan kami julang setinggi-tingginya.

Padi walaupun tunduk isinya berjasa !

Pokok walaupun tumbang tetap izinkan kulat hidup !

Sungai walaupun alirannya mampu membawa bencana isinya terkandung zat !

Dan UMNO walaupun sedang dibadai jasanya jangan siapa pertikai !

Biar tinggal kami ... UMNO akan terus dihati.

Kami akan terus setia dan ikhlas berjuang selagi mana UMNO tidak meninggalkan kami.



    To all Malaysians,
    We would like to inform all Malaysians about Gombak MCA Chief YIP KUM FOOK using (wage) Buddhist monks from Myanmar for the services of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, No 19 Jalan 38 Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 KL. Myanmar monks always make mistakes and people cheat. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is a two-headed crocodile, now he always says to people, MCA will die after GE13

    On the other hand, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is always silent and does not take any action, maybe YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) shared evil with Buddhist Monks from Myanmar. We are very sad about that.

    Hope the people must be careful and notice that this matter and thank you.

  2. To all Buddhist devotees ...
    YIP KUM FOOK(LAWYER) drove the monks out of the temple or SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
    he used gangsters to drive the monks away and also called the police to harass the monks in the temple and YIP KUM FOOK(LAWYER) disrespected the Buddha and the monks

    Kepada semua penganut Buddha ...
    YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER) menghalau para bhikkhu keluar dari kuil atau SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
    Dia menggunakan samseng untuk mengusir para bhikkhu itu dan juga memanggil polis untuk mengganggu para bhikkhu di kuil dan YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER) tidak menghormati Buddha dan para bhikkhu
    Ng, Kepong

  3. Kepada semua penganut Buddha ...
    YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER, MCA GOMBAK) menghalau Sami-sami Buddha keluar dari kuil atau SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
    Dia menggunakan samseng untuk mengusir Sami-sami Buddha itu dan juga memanggil polis untuk mengganggu Sami-sami Buddha di kuil dan YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER) tidak menghormati Buddha dan Sami-sami Buddha ……Yip Kum Fook & Associates No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur
    Ng, Kepong

  4. Dear All MCA Members in respect,
    That Yip Kum Fook of head Gombak and Yip Jiun Hann MCA Youth chief Gombak or father and son trying to grab the High Committee MCA party on this December
    We hope that members of MCA party considering profuse, please not vote to people have two faces because their behaviour are very bad for Chinese community in Malaysia.
    They used the power politic to cheating female, destroying others family , until the money SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KL ,and dare swallow money of Buddhist temple and Indian temple land in Taman Daya he was burning to getting rich for own greed.
    If this kind of opportunist groups supported the MCA party and we believe that this MCA party will not grown forever.

    请远离马华党员 叶金福!

    现在世界各先进国都盡力保存佛教的文化和保护佛教的僧侶,但马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak Chairman) 却反其道而行, 帶一般流垊到佛教埾地(SAMNAK SAMBODHI THAI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA)試圄摧毁佛教文化, 挑衅和打架, 并电招警方人員要扣留佛寺沙彌, 这种不按佛教條规, 軽视佛教精神的行动, 对世界佛教信徒实有侮辱之举, 的确令人不敢恭维.

    除此之马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)也利用杖势, 連众人朝拜的印度廟TAMAN DAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR 放火燒毁把土地佔为已有, 马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak Chairman)这种冒犯宗教的不良行为, 已引起廣大的大马人民愤怒而不满, 所以, 在耒屇的大选, 希望马华公会的中央领神, 能深明大義, 对此娄党员, 最好疏薳距离, 以免影响选票, 造成马华公会大大的败北, 遗恨江山此致, 并祝安康, 工作快乐.

    This Datuk is very bad like a dog; everyone has to send any message to the King(Agong) because it is a shame for the whole of Malaysia to be called Datuk
    By Ng Swee Huat, Kepong

  6. We inform Buddhist devotees and non-Buddhists about Samnak Sambodhi, that YIP KUM FOOK is president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong because he is force Buddhist monks out of Temple, cheated Myanmar monk’s money and so on…..

    This is very bad Kamma in Buddhist, in past, present and future he will get more suffer and his life will fall into hell, next life he will become some animals, also will stay alone without any friends

    Ven. Piya Dhammo from Penang to visited and practice of Dhamma, this YIP KUM FOOK also forces him out of Temple and calls the police to arrest him, this YIP KUM FOOK is a very narrow mind, now many people about what YIP KUM FOOK has done for Buddhist monks (Buddha Sangha)

    Now police station Sentul and Breakfield police station look at him because fake house construction signature, this is YIP KUM FOOK planning, all people know…..

    By Tan Siong, Sg. Buluh

  7. YIP KUM FOOK menghancurkan Sangha kerana dia memaksa Sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil dan kemudian mengunci kuil, juga memanggil polis untuk menangkap Sami Buddha, juga menggunakan samseng untuk memusnahkan Sami Buddha

    Ramai yang menyamannya di mahkamah, seperti steven Lee (saudara selayang Mall), pasar burung(ah Choy) En Lim Sg. Buluh and etc. juga dia menipu duit Sami Myanmar (Ven. Nandiya) lebih kurang RM20,000.00 tak pernah bayar balik tapi masih tak tahu.

    Datuk (Yip Kum Fook) ini sangat teruk seperti binatang; semua orang kena titah apa-apa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Agong) kerana malu seluruh Malaysia bergelar Datuk, kita akan perutusan kepada sultan Selangor

    Oleh, lee kepong

  8. The largest rebel against Buddhists and Hindu in Malaysia is YIP KUM FOOK and he is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, maybe his lawyer is a fake certificate because he is not like someone who studied law. Lawyers must be at least 6 years to study, but we're the same age, but we've never seen him take that class because YIP KUM FOOK is busy with a furniture store business in Kepong area

    He ordered the people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because at that time he was the MCA chairman in Taman Daya and he had power there, the other because he needed a place to set up his furniture shop business

    In Buddhism, he was the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1994, before the president of the temple was SHIA KOK SUN, YIP KUM FOOK this joined the committee members then he rejected SHIA KOK SUN, then he took over as president

    Happened at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, from him taking over the presidential temple, was never peaceful and always a problem because he was a trouble maker, pushing the old committee and various making a mess in the Temple

    Instead, he defrauded a Myanmar monk (ven. Nandiya) of about rm20,000.00, called police and gangster to remove the Buddhist monk, a monk is from Penang (Ven. Piya Dhammo), and ordered his group to lock down the temple

    YIP KUM FOOK will receive his Karma in what he does, all the GODS have seen and always commented on him and he will suffer forever in this life and the next life… all need to care about YIP KUM FOOK…

    Description by Cikgu Cheong

    This is with your message Excellent and please share with everyone .... thank you ... by Hindu groups in Malaysia

  9. Anonymous said...
    About YIP KUM FOOK, it is better to you are escape from the Kepong area because you were my good friend in the previous days until today

    YIP KUM FOOK better leave Kuala Lumpur area because someone to report to police and Sentul Police Station and Breakfield Police Station want you

    We know you make more mistakes but you can't run away from the country's laws, on last time you can solve problems with pay money to shut people-mouth up, but now it's different, now is the age of technology like the internet

    I hope, you will understand me what I said in the verses above, I love you in my heart like my brother and I will protect you from what people gossip about you..ok

    Lee, Selayang

  10. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA Gombak) was a very big mistake to expel monks from SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in 2001, Buddhists still in remember that time, he and his thugs(gangsters) and 2 polices came to destroy(arrest) the Sangha in the Temple, and the devotees were very sad to hear it had applied

    How long, Buddhists cannot forget what happened in the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE but YIP KUM FOOK how to live in the world, he damaged the Sangha or separated Sangha, which is a very big sin in Buddhist teachings. This Kamma, the earth will suck or swallow you (YIP KUM FOOK) like His Venerable Devatta on Buddha time

    “you are a Buddhist and you are a lawyer, also a graduate, why don’t you know what is wrong or right, like us as ordinary people, we don’t have any graduates or degrees but we know about the good and the bad”

    Kenny yap, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong

  11. Please see this YIP KUM FOOK cheated amounting to RM20,000.00, it belongs to VEN. U NANDIYA. Fundraising donation by Myanmar Devotees to buy large Buddhist marble for SAMNAK SAMBODHI in 2000 that Buddha Marble from Myanmar

    Information and signature in by YIP KUM FOOK and please be aware of the issue as all contributions to Buddhist teachings:

    SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is president, Secretary (YAP LEONG LAN) and Treasurer (NG GOOT MEE)

  12. di Malaysia amat memalukan kerana banyak jawatankuasa Kuil Buddha atau persatuan tidak memahami ajaran Buddha(Dhamma) dan juga tidak mengamalkan peraturan Buddha seperti mana-mana ajaran, mereka hanya menjadi jawatankuasa dan menjemput paderi asing untuk menjaga kuil sahaja

    contohnya, kuil Buddha SAMNAK SAMBODHI di Taman Desa Jaya, kepong, jawatankuasa di sana menggunakan sami Myanmar untuk menjaga, semua sami Myanmar datang ada gelaran Doktor tetapi satu perkataan juga tidak boleh bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris. Juga, jawatankuasa sangat teruk kerana apabila mereka tidak menyukai mana-mana sami, mereka boleh mengeluarkan serta-merta

    SAMNAK SAMBODHI adalah presiden YIP KUM FOOK, ini juga sangat memalukan kerana bermain politik di kuil dan menjadikan kuil sentiasa menjadi masalah, menjadikan Buddha rendah standard, dulu YIP KUM FOOK menipu Rm20,000.00 dari sami Myanmar (Ven. U Nandiya)

    ya, jawatankuasa ini tidak malu dan takut berdosa kerana mereka menganggap kuil ini adalah jawatankuasa tertinggi daripada Sangha, KAMI tahu kuil ini daripada pengasas Sangha di Taman Ehsan dan Jalan 5 Taman Desa Jaya (berdekatan stesen Minyak BP), Kepong

    perkongsian kisah realiti oleh Ah Keong, jinjang utara

  13. The last time YIP KUM FOOK set fire to a Hindu temple in Taman Daya, Hindus kept quiet after he and his group and two policemen came to harass a Buddhist monk at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, now the news is getting slower people are listening, and many people are not satisfied with what he did before

    In Buddhist rule, anyone who disturbs and makes sangha broken, that people will fall into hell when they alive as like Devadatta, who tried to kill Buddha but was unsuccessful, YIP KUM FOOK this should care, now karma will be active anytime.

    Everyone has to be careful and live from him because YIP KUM FOOK is a very dirty mind and he is a lawyer but doesn't know whether he is or not, he is a lawyer because he is in the furniture business, so(how) he can study law, the laws have to study for 6 years.

    Sharing by :
    Wat Thai Mon - Kulim Cai Bo Hin Kulim Temple

  14. The last time YIP KUM FOOK set fire to a Hindu temple in Taman Daya, Hindus kept quiet after he and his group and two policemen came to harass a Buddhist monk at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, now the news is getting slower people are listening, and many people are not satisfied with what he did before

    In Buddhist rule, anyone who disturbs and makes sangha broken, that people will fall into hell when they alive as like Devadatta, who tried to kill Buddha but was unsuccessful, YIP KUM FOOK this should care, now karma will be active anytime.

    Everyone has to be careful and live from him because YIP KUM FOOK is a very dirty mind and he is a lawyer but doesn't know whether he is or not, he is a lawyer because he is in the furniture business, so(how) he can study law, the laws have to study for 6 years.

    Sharing by:
    Wat Thai Mon - Kulim Cai Bo Hin Kulim Temple
    Forward by Sammaditthi Meditation Grove….. Sungai Petani, Kedah

  15. The committee of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, the committee (YIP KUM FOOK) is red-eyed and jealous when they saw the monks have money, they planned to take money from the monks, who lived there would suffer and be dissatisfied. This is true at the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist Temple

    their temple committee members have felt nothing, so many people complain about the internet, they also like to know nothing, you must know Buddhists not only in Taman Desa Jaya and Buddhists all over the world have believed and practiced Buddha Dhamma, Our Buddha is not enforcing you to believe his teaching understand!

    Don’t destroy the Dhamma and destroy the Sangha in Buddhism because we know you all are not interested in Buddhist teachings, you destroy the Sangha and you are not a Buddhist practice, you have to raise money from people’s donations only

    Who are kicked monks out from Temple or who related kicked monks, that people will heavy karma in their life in this life and next life, also your family generation life unstable in forever. If you are going somewhere, the others will kick you out from society, this is results of karma

    We know this YIP KUM FOOK well and we are known YIP KUM FOOK from him is a furniture shop business and truck driver to deliver furniture in Desa Jaya, Kepong, run an MCA party in Taman Daya, Kepong but you are in business, we are proud to be happy with you but not interfering with any religion

    We are writing this message over the internet because we want to warn you not to commit crimes against Buddhists (Sangha) anymore, you are the Datuk, the law, the president of any society, we don’t care, thank you very much.

    Sharing by people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong and we are love Buddhist teaching

  16. YIP KUM FOOK (Gombak MCA) sangat ingin menghina Sami Buddha dan menjatuhkan imej Buddha kerana sentiasa menghina kuil Buddha (SAMNAK SAMBODHI), menghalau Sami Buddha dan menggunakan polis di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong

    Juga YIP KUM FOOK menipu wang Sami Buddha Myanmar (Ven. U Nandiya) kira-kira RM20, 000.00 pada tahun 2000, kini ramai yang beriman mengetahuinya tetapi dia tidak pernah memalukan orang di Malaysia, juga tidak pernah memalukan kepada Buddhis di Malaysia

    YIP KUM FOOK membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, Kepong, kerana dia mahu tempat itu menjadi kedai perabot, juga masa itu dia ketua MCA di sana, ya semuanya ada sejarah

    Politik sebegini, kita perlu buang dari masyarakat manusia, politik seperti YIP KUM FOOK, rakyat akan mati pada masa hadapan, sekarang ramai orang kata, dia seorang terkaya di Kepong, dia ada lebih 10 bangunan dan juga banyak wang

    Kongsi oleh Wei, Selayang

  17. We hope the ruler of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Cancel or revoke this title of Datuk ship DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 because he is very bad in the Chinese community in Malaysia, also very disturbed Buddhist monks, anyone can write a letter to the Sultan of Selangor to inform about MCA YIP KUM FOOK叶金福

    We also hope that everyone loves Malaysia, do not mess it up and don't like other people, only then can we live in this country in peace and happiness. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is very proud of himself, now the world is different from the past and now many people have education, you cannot fool them

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福made the Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) destroyed and now the Temple is near to collapse because he is playing politics in the temple, everyone know about that

    Sharing by Tony Toh & friends


    有关马來西亜,吉隆坡,甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No.19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 所发生的纠纷, 经过阅读了,Venerable Phra Piya Thammo 和尚及叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 的双方书信之后, 再经实地旁听了觧,做为中间人,我要客观实事的说:

    1.当一个和尚、初出道 (小学生),在修行, 若有缺点, 那是难免.他马华公会鹅唛區会主地席叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook),却心眼看不顺,就电招警万到耒佛教之圣地要扣畄和尚耒耻唇出家人, 这是绝对不许可, 除非是殺人放火之大罪悪.

    2.他身为马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),却反其道而行, 在佛寺不依佛法而軽视佛教的精神, 以傲慢的手段,帶领一般黑社会的人耒挑衅和尚打架, 这也是不该有、更不是佛教修行者的行为.

    3.佛教的圣地, 其主要的目地, 是让眾生修佛道, 不是政治争執的地方. 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 却利用佛教之圣地当政治活动的场所。如此果敢冒犯佛陀的教誨,更是大大的罪悪。

    囯有囯章,彿有佛法,家有家规. 如果出家人有何不对之处, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 为何不向主持和尚投?让出家人自依和尚的條规处理、却强权一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛区会及三宝寺理事会主席, 无法无天的应用霸道手段践踏佛教之圣地.为什么。。。。。为什么.

    至今, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),不当不歉愧,还要狡辩, 这又证明了他说一套, 做的又是另一套, 囗是心非, 所谓的两舌, 相当阴险. 身为律师, 受高深教育, 却应用如此悪毒, 横蛮无礼的作风污辱和尚, 相等于是耻辱佛教伩仰者。他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)不向主持和尚投诉, 却自承英雄,电招外耒者.请问,身为將近20年的三宝寺主持和尚兼顾问,也是第一位 自筹建寺的大功臣,在大马南傳泒中,是闻名遐邇的高僧.其脸要放在那裡?同样的,要是台湾星雲大师的佛寺沙彌犯錯, 理事会没有礼貌自作主张,电招警方要扣畄其沙彌.我敢请问!星雲大师的自尊是怎样的感受?他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)是后耒者,担任理会主席也不久, 竟敢应用如此,目无尊長的方式对待住持,间接的就是告大家,强迫住持和尚必远離,雀巢鸠要佔。这种用心不良, 有老千之谋, 的确令人不敢恭维。

    縱观以上几项重点,我不是盲目的護持三宝, 而是要坦白的说;他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 身受高深教育, 为律师者,本应通情达理才是,但遗憾的是, 却令人惊觉, 他厡耒就是彿书裡所讲的狡猾且残忍的此颣人。他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),利用他的专业知識, 懂得包裝自己的道德守則,以宗教为幌子手,到处募款,商业经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教宗教守则行事, 也没对人道作出任何貢献, 只不过借宗教之名捞取权和私利而己。

    在此, 我奉劝, 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 好自为之, 免因果報应.

    shared by boon kiat

  19. Datuk Yip Kum Fook's case is very funny because he always uses police and gangsters to disturbed people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong KL, his brother-in-law SIMON LOW KOK MENG (Taman Daya, Kepong) spied on him, anyone should be careful with this Simon Low, when talking somethings about Datuk Yip, he (Simon Low) will inform Datuk Yip Kum Fook

    SIMON LOW KOK MENG knows everything what Datuk Yip Kum Fook is many people know what Datuk Yip is doing because you do research on the internet, you will see what people post and comment because there are people who edit his photos to say somethings on him....this is embarrassing for MCA and Buddha

    These two men are very dirty minded and they make it so interesting in Buddhist teachings but they think further in Buddhist teachings but they will suffer in Kepong if anything happens, please suspect these two men only

    Last time we were close to Simon Low but now we are far away from him because he is more proud of himself and we know he does not have children but he bought children in Sabah or Sarawak many years ago, this may be GOD punishing this family.

    Message shared by Mr Choy, Taman Ehsan, Kepong

  20. Yes, everyone should be careful of Mr. Simon Low Kok Meng (Taman Daya, Kepong) because he is the spy and security of Datuk Yip Kum Fook (brother-in-law); this is very dirty in Kepong recently, when you say what – what, quick news to Yip Kum Fook

    Datuk Yip Kum Fook is always used the gangsters and police to stir(disturb) people, also police and gangsters like his material contracts because whenever he can use them, maybe the police and gangsters have something big under the table, this is a shame for Malaysian democracy

    Now Datuk Yip Kum Fook bad name on the internet because there is a lot of gossip and sharing on social media. Maybe MCA will fall one day, also MCA will walk alone because of his son (Lawrence Yip MCA Gombak) because this Lawrence Yip is very proud and acts on himself, many Chinese people do not like him, father and son are the same.

    Hope everyone share and protect Malaysia to become a harmonious and peaceful country, if someone commits a wrongdoing or creates a crime, we Malaysians need to come and share with everyone because this belongs to all of us

    Sharing by Cheong Swee Chun & friends in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur


  21. Kini, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong adalah satu berita yang sangat buruk kerana salah seorang ahli politik melakukan kerja kotor di Kuil Buddha dan membawa sistem politik bermain di kuil sehingga ahli masyarakat lari dan presiden Kuil ini (Samnak Sambodhi). ) ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang merupakan bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya , Kepong dan pengerusi MCA Gombak

    Lelaki ini (Datuk Yip) selalu menelefon polis untuk menangkap sami Buddha dan menutup pintu Kaabah untuk tidak membenarkan sami Buddha masuk untuk menginap, semua sami Buddha terpaksa menyewa hotel untuk seketika...Mr Tan dan Kelemahan Encik Wah pada hari itu, pasukannya, samseng dan dua anggota polis datang mengganggu Ven. Phra Piyadhamma (Pulau Pinang atau bekas CID dari Singapura)

    Sejak kejadian itu, ramai penganut meninggalkan kuil kerana di kuil, mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, kini jawatankuasa mengambil sami Buddha Myanmar untuk berkhidmat kerana mereka tidak mengambil berat tentang masalah Kuil sebelum ini atau Datuk Yip Kum Fook...ini seorang yang sangat kotor kerana dia boleh menipu semua orang

    Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya akan menderita dan terluka kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku...ada yang ramai tidak suka Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan dia akan tahu apakah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha?

    Dikongsi oleh Ah Wah, Selayang Jaya

  22. Simon Low Kok Meng ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook adik ipar dan CID, kerana membawa maklumat berita kepada keluarga datuk Yip, kena berhati-hati dengan mereka, selalu mendatangkan masalah kepada orang kepong dan Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, sekarang ramai yang tahu tentang apa yang mereka lakukan

    Semua perkara yang mereka lakukan seperti membakar Kuil Hindu (Taman Daya) dan mengeluarkan sami-sami Buddha dari Samnak Sambodhi atau kuil Buddha di Taman Desa jaya, kepong...juga MCA runtuh kerana mereka juga, mereka mendapat kuasa untuk mendapatkan wang dan untuk mereka berniaga

    Cina, India, Melayu dan lain-lain perlu berhati-hati yang tinggal di Kepong, kerana golongan ini boleh melakukan sesuatu kepada semua orang. Datuk Yip Kum Fook ialah seorang peguam (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) No 2A & 2B, Tingkat 2, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan... tetapi ada orang atau kawan-kawannya berkata, Datuk Yip Kum Fook bukan peguam sebenar, kerana Datuk Yip membeli sijil dari beberapa institut undang-undang di UK sahaja

    Kami berharap kini presiden Malaysia (Datuk Seri Anwar) akan menyemak Datuk Yip Kum Fook kerana banyak komen dan posting di internet, dan ramai orang mengesyaki melakukan projek haram dan kesilapan undang-undang di Malaysia

    Perkongsian dan siaran oleh Encik Chong dan keluarga, Kepong

  23. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK and his brother-in-law (SIMON LOW KOK MENG) kicked Buddhist monks out of the Buddhist Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong) a few years ago

    The evil never stops from people's thoughts, gossip, and so on, and because DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is a great sinner in Buddhism, he cannot run away with this bad karma forever in this life and the next life and his family will falls in what he does with the Buddhist Sangha

    He understands that the Sangha is our Buddha disciples, any monk has to live by the Sangha laws of their community, and they cannot just wear yellow robes and serve the devotees.

    Now the news is all on the internet, we hear from people, he gives some money to someone to delete comments on the internet but people are sharing and forwarding all those messages more and more

    By Luck Pang and Lee Keong….Taman Daya, Kepong

  24. JAPRISLOT adalah situs judi online paling laris di indonesia yang selalu memberikan kemenangan kepada setiap pemainnya juga memberikan bonus hadiah yang besar!

  25. Datuk Yip Kum Fook menghina sami Buddha dan menendang sami Buddha di Kuil Buddha, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong kerana menganggap ini miliknya, ramai sami Buddha berkata ini Datuk Yip Kum Fook datang membantu dan dia menolak secara perlahan jawatankuasa lain, kemudian dia mengambil atas tempat atau kedudukan ahli jawatankuasa

    Tetapi Datuk Yip Kum Fook tidak pernah malu, sekarang ramai yang tahu apa yang dia buat dan buat, dan orang berkongsi dan menyiarkan di internet tentang dia, tetapi dia masih tidak tahu apa-apa seperti tidak ada otak atau seperti haiwan tidak berotak

    Datuk Yip Kum Fook! Kami sangat mengenali anda, kali terakhir anda dan saya selalu bersama di kedai kopi dan Tokong Buddha tetapi bertahun-tahun jauh dari anda kerana anda sangat berfikiran kotor dan selalu menipu orang dan wanita, kami tahu anda belajar undang-undang dari mana?

    Kami tahu, kenapa anda berminat untuk menjadi peguam kerana pendidikan anda terlalu rendah, kemudian anda mengambil undang-undang kerana anda mahu bermain politik untuk MCA, sekarang siapa yang menderita, ya anda lebih menderita

    Kami mendengar dan melihat anda di internet bahawa menyertai beberapa kumpulan Buddha dari Taiwan atau Persatuan Buddha Gondesan, Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Yip Kum Fook! adalah lebih baik untuk tidak menyertai mereka kerana anda sangat kotor, tolong jangan pergi ke sana

    Kami (Lim & Thong) Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
    Shared and posted by Dato' Dr Simon Lo, Dato' Dr Siti Khadijah Tun Hamdan (DSPN, PKT), Dato' Dr ... Dr Kok Meng Sum, Dr Kok Yin Fun, Dr Kong Chee Kwan, Dr Kong Min Han, Dr Kong

  26. We want to inform everyone about Datuk Yip Kum Fook or former MCA Chairman Gombak and Taman Daya, Kepong.....he deceived everyone there, he doesn't care who you are, and he did bad things (why is he living well), maybe he is not mature enough, one day he will be mature enough he will collapse.

    Our Chinese people always say that Datuk Yip Kum Fook is like the brain of an animal because he does not know how to respect others if someone is friendly with him, soon he will lie or make trouble for people, and Datuk Yip Kum Fook is like a crocodile.

    Datuk Yip Kum Fook was kicked out of the Buddhist temple, he thought the Buddhist monks could do nothing for him, he thought the Buddhist monks were stupid or uneducated, he committed crimes against the Buddhist monks, and he thought the Buddhist monks were forgetful.

    We will help the Buddhist monk to tell the truth that Datuk Yip Kum Fook will suffer for ever in his life and his family will also live with suffering

    Danny Wong, Taman Ehsan, Kepong

